There have been exciting happenings here at Sconch HQ. Very exciting happenings indeed.I put a couple of teasers up in the Facebook page to get you all guessing...
First there was this...
Then there was this...
Of course, by the time I put the second photo up, you all started to guess correctly!
I have business premises! Only small ones, but they are a start. It is just a place to store the yarn, in a loft above a lovely little cafe, as Mr Sconch was getting fed up of fighting to get into the conservatory with all the boxes and bags... and to be honest, I was going a bit mad too. The week before we moved, there were boxes in the hall as was a crazy mess. My regular delivery drivers would chuckle as they arrived at the door and I would ask him to put the boxes 'where he could'.
So you can see, I have literally been 'moving on up'...!
So here are some (fairly) recent images - I actually took them 2 weeks ago but got waylaid with getting a blog post written as usual...:
Storage bins in place, starting to fill up with yarn. Mr Sconch has been building little storage holes above the bins as well :)
Racking for the Zpagetti yarn - this is now overflowing!
Back wall with more storage bins - this is now completely covered with storage bins :) You can see my desk and packing table as well!
As you can see, it is very 'cosy' in there - but for now it is the perfect space whilst Sconch continues to grow. I particularly like the pink carpet - I'd been joking about how I would love a pink carpet, a lovely girly space for me and the Sconchlet to chill out. So you can imagine how much Isquealedwhen I got to the carpet showroom and the cheapest off-cut was pink!! I'd already been to Ikea and bought tables with pink legs, so it was perfect!
I am going for bright colours to keep it jolly - the new picking bins are bright green and bright blue - and my chair is bright green. So it all clashes superbly, and with all the colourful yarn, it is like a rainbow crashed through the loft space ;)
Watch this space for the next round of pictures with the finished Sconch HQ!
Sam x
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