Firstly I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the amazing response I have had to the last blog post. I've had a LOT of private messages about it, full of support, which is amazing. I sometimes find the concept of blogging a bit odd. Pouring your heart out to strangers. But that's the thing really, isn't it? Blogging simply widens your friendship circle. So thank you x
However, despite all of that stuff, life continues. It was a crazy weekend here at Sconch HQ (what's new?). We had a right old proper knees up on Saturday at the Bocking Village Club with the Bocking Theatre Club for their St George's Day Cockney Night. It was a fun singalong night with much merriment (probably something to do with the speciality gins on offer - new favourite, grapefruit slice in Tanqueray)
Here I am with my spiffing red braces and flat cap (courtesy of Chameleon Costumes - although now wondering why I don't have braces as part of my standard wardrobe).
In addition to this, there has been much preparation going on for Yarn Shop Day this coming Saturday. Goody bags starting to be compiled, display garments arriving in the post...
And I've almost finished another WIP! This has caused much hilarity in the Craft'n'Cake group as I don't get much time to crochet at the moment and I started this Granny Cocoon Shrug quite a while ago... then the week before last one of our favourite regulars, Mandy, thought she'd have a go. Of course less than a week later in she strolls with a more or less finished garment asking me for some advice. I didn't sulk at all*. AND she changed the design and went for a larger 'housecoat' style (so more work) and still finished it. There's been quite a lot of mocking the yarn shop owner this week whenever I get my not-finished-shrug out...
*might have refused to help her til I'd finished sulking
I'm hoping to have the finished article to show you this coming week, with a blog post with my tips...
We also went to the zoo on Sunday with the parentals. A full day of traipsing round, much to the delight of the Sconchlet. It was FREEZING. Snow blizzards, then blazing sunshine, then rain, then hailstorms. We had it all. But it was awesome. I even swallowed my pride and went in the wheelchair like a good girl, as Saturday had sort of finished me off, and Mr Sconch pointed out how he would rather push me, than have to carry me up that gigantic hill at Colchester Zoo...
Isn't it awesome when weekends are full of fun?
Hope you had a super weekend too :)
Sam x
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